Nous sommes arrivés à le gare de Lyon (à Paris) à 16h35 après un six heure tour de train. En suite, nous sommes allés de trouver notre hôtel quelque part dans Paris....holy crap thi

s city is huge! We took the métro (always exciting and invigorating when you're fighting to get on board before the blasted doors scream shut). Bien sûr, within the first ten minutes, there was a man playing an accordion on one of the métro trains. Gotta love Paris.

We found the hotel and dropped off all of our crap then, without skipping a beat, we were off to go visit le tour Eiffel. After another métro ride and a brief walk, we saw the first glimpses of the tower looming in the distance. For a first-timer, seeing the Eiffel tour was a magn

ificent sight. I was taken aback by it's immenseness (literally and culturally). We waited in a line to go up the cursed thing and after much standing and stair climbing, we made it to the deuxième étage. Then, after another line, we crowded like cattle into a petite elevator and climbed to the top just in time for the sunset. Whoever said that Paris is the city of love was right. I could feel it in the air as the sun was setting down. It was a shame that ma petite amie was a few thousand miles away...We watched as the sun set and as the lights of Paris slowly flicked on.

After we made it out o

f the tower, and away from all the blasted vendors, we stepped back for a view of the tower at night (also, truly spectacular) and wandered back to our hotel for some well deserved sleep.
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